Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Power- Giving it Up

For many people of faith lent usually means, giving up something. For the past few Sundays the folks at West Adrian Community Church have been encouraged to give up specific attitudes. The first Sunday the emphasis was on giving up negativity, there are far to many of us who are caught in the, I can't, trap.

This past Sunday the emphasis was on the insidious addiction to power. The scriptural example of the answer to the power addiction was found in Matthew's gospel and Jesus on his way to crucifixion. Matthew tells us that, Jesus was bound, was led and was delivered. The touch point being this; Jesus gave up his power for the salvation and benefit of mankind.

Some of us might remember the song, He could of called ten thousand angels. The gist of which falls inline with Jesus' own words, "Do not think that I could not have called ten legions of angels to come to my side." Think of that for a moment. Now think of this. The Christ of God, the Creator of all that was, all that is and all that can be, set aside power. The cost to him was pain, rejection, loneliness, abandonment and death.

So many of us have to have our own way. We are so convinced that we are the ones who know best, know it all and the rest of the world needs to catch up to our genius. We all know people who cannot admit they have been wrong. That is a use of power that places everybody else less than ourselves. I have heard some people actually say, "I have never been wrong".  That is a pretty powerful statement, but almost certainly and outright lie.

I am trying to become a person who listens more and interrupts less. A person who doesn't formulate an answer before the other person even gets done talking or trying to make a point. It is a very difficult thing to do, especially when you think that you must be right and therefore they must be wrong.

I get into trouble over issues that I am very passionate about, religion and politics. I know all about the two things that you are never to talk about in a gathering. At times I can't help myself, but to open my mouth and stick my foot in it. I am still learning how to be an authentic Christian and follower of Christ.

Tedd Galloway is a former missionary and is currently the pastor at West Adrian Community Church. His book, A Mother's Heart Moved the Hand of God, is soon to be released through, Morgan James Publishing. You can follow Tedd on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. His website is, www.teddgalloway.com

Monday, March 17, 2014

Good Intentions

My dad said, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." He was no philosopher yet he knew a bit about human nature. As I was thinking about the service for Sunday I couldn't help but think of his words. They fit the disciple Peter perfectly. He was probably born in a rather unusual contortionist position, his foot in his mouth. A couple of examples come to mind.

Remember the events that took place at the last supper? One of the things that Jesus did was to wash the disciples feet. Some of us get so caught up in the sharing of the bread and the cup that we might pass up what Jesus did before that.  Taking a basin of water he moved among the disciples, who were probably reclining on the floor. Moving on his hands and knees he gently washed the feet of each man. After washing the feet he dried them with a towel.

When he got to Peter the fisherman insisted that Jesus would never wash his feet. After some words from Jesus, Peter took a moment to get his foot out of his mouth and allowed Jesus to wash them. Humbled in the sight of Jesus, Peter asked to have his entire body washed. Jesus told him it was not necessary and moved on.

Near the end of the Passover Jesus knew that he was going to be betrayed and that all of his friends would leave him. Again, Peter rises up and boldly states that he will die before he forsakes his friend and his Christ. Jesus looks right into his eyes and tells him that before the night is over that he would deny ever knowing Jesus three times. To which, Peter declares in bold words that he would never deny Jesus.

 Jesus and the disciples walk to the Garden of Gethsemane where Jesus spends time in prayer. He asks Peter, James and John to support him in his time of need. The disciples fall asleep as Jesus prays. Three times Jesus prays about the events about to fall upon him. When the soldiers come to arrest Jesus it is the reactive Peter who attacks the temple soldiers slicing off a soldier's ear.

As Jesus is hauled away the disciples flee the garden and seek safety. During the night Jesus is friendless and faces the hatred of the religious rulers. During the time of darkness Peter is approached by strangers and accused of knowing Jesus. On all three occasions Peter denies even knowing Jesus.

So many of us make promises to God. We promise to stop doing things we know are destructive. We promise to stop drinking, stop smoking, gambling, cheating, illicit sexual actions. We promise over and over again, only to find ourselves in despair and depression because we cannot keep our promise.

Peter was incapable of keeping his promises to God, until his experience with the risen Christ and the power of Pentecost. When the active and powerful presence of God Almighty was lavishly poured out upon those waiting in the upper room they were transformed. Forsaking God was never again to be their crime.

Tedd Galloway is a former missionary and is currently the pastor at West Adrian Community Church. His book, A Mother's Heart Moved the Hand of God, is soon to be released through, Morgan James Publishing. You can follow Tedd on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. His website is, www.teddgalloway.com

Friday, March 14, 2014


I wrote, A Mother's Heart Moved the Hand of God, as a therapeutic exercise. I was pretty messed up and confused in my understanding of God and my denomination. I was mad at God for letting some really evil things happen. He allowed things that were in opposition to my understanding of scripture and His faithfulness. My denomination devastated my trust and confidence. The writing and subsequent thinking and praying time brought me to a new understanding and love for God.

Through a rather miraculous meeting I was able to get the manuscript printed and the book was released to the general public in March of 2012. I had some great expectations and every person who read the story expressed gratitude and how the truth touched them. If there were any negative readers I was never made aware of them.

During the first of August of 2012 I received a shocking letter in the mail. The publishing house that handled the book was filing Federal Bankruptcy. Many authors were caught up in the mess of trying to get their artistic materials back, manuscripts and art work. I was told that it might take months to get my files, if at all.

God worked in some mysterious ways and a few months later I was blessed to have the files sent back to me. A man of integrity knew the position I was in and made sure I received the files. When I got the files back I had to decide the next move. Should I just forget about the book or press on, that was the question I needed to answer.

The answer came as friends and others who read the book encouraged me to get it out to readers. Well, faith, work and perseverance paid off and a very reputable company worked with me over the past year to get the book ready for release. The new release time is just weeks away and I am in the process of getting ready to send out review copies to various media outlets. That has been made available through the help of a very gifted public relations firm, Meg McAllister PR. She has helped me because she believes in the book and the message.

I would love the message of Transforming Love to spread around the world. Whether we like it or not the color of skin is still an issue and all colors of skin must deal with it. As a follower of Christ the biggest challenge to me is to listen and obey his words, "By the way you love each other is the way you prove you are my disciple."

I am so glad I was able to learn that lesson. I pray that I can do my part to spread the message of Transformational Love.

Tedd Galloway is a former missionary and is currently the pastor at West Adrian Community Church. His book, A Mother's Heart Moved the Hand of God, is soon to be released through, Morgan James Publishing. You can follow Tedd on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. His website is, www.teddgalloway.com

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Lent and Spring

This will be a winter to remember. The amount of snow we have received, not warmly, set a new record. The old record was set back in 1978. I am sure most of us remember that winter. I was living in Chicago, not far from Wrigley Field. The city was at a standstill for a couple of days. The amount of cold weather has taken its toll as well. No longer do I love the snow and winter, which I always thought I would.

Some folks have reported that Robins have been sighted. I hope they were mistaken because the poor Robins need a fresh supply of bugs and worms and I’m pretty sure they are still frozen. I need spring to come. My mind needs spring to come, and so does my spirit. Even a few days with the temperatures in the 40’s would be a blessing. Even as I sit at the keyboard it is cold and I am thinking of spring and flowers and the smell of fresh cut grass. Yea, in three months I will probably be complaining about the heat.

Let us begin our thoughts of spring by first thinking about the days that WILL lead up to nice weather. West Adrian Community Church is going to take part in a series of Lenten Services.  We will join four other churches for a service each Wednesday during Lent. The services will begin with a pot-luck, yea food, with the worship service to follow. The Lenten services have been a blessing and great opportunity to get together with other like-minded people.

I fear that Lenten services as well as Ash Wednesday services itself are on the endangered list. It is becoming more difficult to keep people interested and it is rare to have new people attend. There are probably many reasons and more excuses for people to ignore this season. I guess we need to ask ourselves a very simple question. What does Lent mean to me? Some of us grew up with friends that observed Lent by giving up meat on Fridays. The family next door was very devout and giving up something for Lent was mandatory.

It was not that way for me growing up. I knew Lent was a sacred time for some but not all Christians observed it. Our family seemed to center on the days that led up to Easter. My parents observed Good Friday, the old fashioned way. We were not allowed to play or go outside from noon until three on Good Friday. My mother played Tennessee Ernie Ford albums on the record player and the house was quiet. I can still hear his voice singing, The Old Rugged Cross and Were You There When They Crucified My Lord.

This season of Lent I would like to suggest that each of us consider, Giving Up, something. Not in any material way, like meat or soda, that kind of stuff. How about something that would be a real blessing and be very helpful. How about, we give up negativity, complaining, harboring grudges and the stuff that snuffs out the joy in our life.

From now until Easter let us each think and act only in positive ways. First towards those we love and hold close, our family and dear friends. The scripture tell us to think and act in positive ways and think only the best. We should act and think this way even towards those we have a brief exchange with. I confess that there are some places I do not step foot in. For the simple reason, that I would go nuts and turn into some type of monster. I detest Wal+++t and Me==s because the first time I got hit with a cart I would lose it and end up incarcerated. I will need to go shopping and pray the Lord helps me during Lent.

Spring will arrive. The flowers will sense the warming of the earth and push up through the dirt. The grass will grow and the Robins will find all of the food they need. God gives us the seasons to show His faithfulness.

I just hope He hurries up and lets Spring begin.