A new beginning, those words sound wonderful and full of promise. As a follower of Jesus Christ my heart is filled with hope and peace when I think of those two simple words, New Beginning. Each day is fresh and clean, full of beauty and promise. I will use the day for the benefit of people and God's Kingdom or I will squander the 24 hours that I can never retrieve.
Beginning, to start over. What a great thought. Each day I can start over. I can forget about yesterday's challenges, struggles, failures and success. Oh, it is nice to savor the sweet smell of yesterday's flowers, but I must press on to enjoy new blossoms and fragrances. The disappointments of yesterday, the failures in thought or actions, those I need to leave behind or they have a tendency to drag me down. That is just the person I am.
A lot of water has passed over the dam or under the bridge, whatever, since my last blog postings. I have a million excuses, no but no valid reasons, for the lapse. And, speaking honestly, if it were not for my meeting with Morgan James Publishing yesterday I would have continued to put this off. I guess this might lead you to believe that this blog has not been important. It is important to me and I hope in the future it will become part of your weekly reading.
The Apostle Paul made two points, among hundreds, that I want to remember this day. The first being his thought to the Corinthian Church that followers of Christ are New Creations, the old has past and the new IS. The second point being; I must leave what is in the past and press on each day for the ultimate goal, which is. A glorified human in the presence of Him, who always was and will be. May it be so.
Tedd Galloway is the pastor of West Adrian Community Church and the author of, A Mother's Heart Moved the Hand of God. You can find him on Facebook and Twitter.
Good to see you back! Blessings.