One of the deepest marks in authentic Christ Following is left upon us through praying. Many years ago I read a very small book about prayer. The book opened my eyes to the wonder and simplicity of prayer. A few hundred years ago a monk by the name of, Brother Lawrence recorded his thoughts on praying. He was given the kitchen duties in the monastery and found himself knee deep in potatoes and other vegetables. During his long days he began praying as he worked. Before long the kitchen was turned into a prayer room where the modest monk would spend hours in prayer. His time became known as, practicing the presence, and the name of his short written work.
It really changed my attitude about praying and set me free to pray, whenever and wherever. So many people of God believe that prayer must be confined to certain times of the day, in a certain room and in a certain posture. Nothing could, and should be further from the truth. Oh, yes, it is important to set aside a place or time for devotional prayer and corporate prayer in worship. That is without a doubt a valuable gift. But, if that is the only time we pray we short change ourselves, God, and the pressing need.
For years Donna and I have prayed with people over the telephone. Many times a person has called and expressed a burden and almost always before hanging up we offer prayer. When you tell a friend or even a stranger, through conversation, that you will remember them in prayer what stops you from offering up a prayer right there, even a held hand and silent prayer is all powerful.
My congregation as West Adrian Community Church comes from a rather liturgical background. The worship prayer were printed in the bulletin and read by pastor and congregation. My fear was that the folks were being limited in their understanding of praying, private and corporate. We are finding more freedom in our worship prayer, yet I still compose one myself for the service and the rest are spontaneous.
The Apostle Paul instructed Authentic Christ Followers to pray without ceasing. It will change our life and leave deep marks from the Master upon our soul.
Tedd Galloway is the pastor of West Adrian Community Church and the author of the soon to be released book, A Mother's Heart Moved the Hand of God. Morgan James Publishing is setting the release date. He is also working on a novel that will follow the first, The Crossing. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter.
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