Friday, March 20, 2009

Most people have a problem with time. We look at time as a collection of spent moments, spending moments or moments to spend. We look at time as if we were peering down a long rope. We only see the end of the rope, today, in our field of vision. God on the other hand looks at the same rope, but from a different perspective. He looks at the length of the rope from the side and He can see the beginning and the end all at the same time.

That is why He has such a hard time invading our tightly focused existence. We need to look at time, our time, the way He does and allow Him to, be open to Him, change the path, invade our day, give us different eyes so our life will be the rich and rewarding fellowship He wants.

When our Ana was carried by her uncle for two days through the bush God was preparing to invade our lives. Praise the Lord Donna was open to and aware of the invasion. On the other hand I had to evaluate the situation. I am happy to say that my head only evaluated until I held that precious life in my hands. Evaluation was over and the invasion was underway.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully worded. For years I viewed time as the enemy. I now see time as a gift.
