A question came up about the connection between humility and illumination. Is there a connection between humility before God and our life receiving more illumination from God. I did not find a verse that explicitly states that humble people receive more light from God. But, there are many verses that tie these spiritual attributes together.
Even a brief search of the concordance provides plenty of evidence of the danger of pride and the excellence of humility. Consider, "God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble." Or, "Who will ascend(light) to the hill of the Lord or stand in His Holy Place(great light) ? He that has clean hands a pure heart." Another, "Six things that God hates, Yes seven are an abomination to Him, a look of pride...."
Let's consider at a bit of a deeper understanding John's epistle. Especially his thought on fellowship and illumination. In 1John 1: 5-7 John shines light on the constant and consistent possibility of fellowship and growth. Think of it in this way. We dig into God's word and we understand more, more about the revelation of the Triune God, more about the condition of mankind. A true knowledge of mankind and his dispositions becomes clear.
I believe that the more we understand our true condition, humility comes to life. W desire to know and understand more, illumination comes, humility grows. I really know what my life would be without the grace and mercy of God. That inner knowledge is the root of humility. As humility grows I continue to cast myself upon the mercy seat of Christ and seek more of His illuminating presence.
A fellowship of understanding and growth that can continue,(walking in the light) until final and full illumination comes as we enter his heavenly realm.
okay, I get it.